Learn What Crossfit Is & Learn 4 Benefits Of Practice

Do you know what crossfit is? Created by physical trainer Greg Glassman, crossfit is a type of training involving several modalities, such as weight lifting, athletics, running, and other high-intensity activities.

Generally, classes last an average of 1 hour, and are divided into three stages: warm-up and stretching, technique (for perfecting exercises) and, finally, Workout of the Day, the famous WOD. The WOD consists of the execution of what was learned in the second stage (with the greatest number of series possible in a predetermined period of time, or in the shortest possible time).

Are you excited about the sport and want to know the benefits that crossfit can bring to your health? So read on and see some of them!



Cross Fit weight loss benefits

One of the most noticeable benefits of crossfit, for sure, refers to weight loss. As the activity works on the whole body with high intensity exercises, the calorie burn tends to be very high.

To give you an idea, in 1 hour of class, it is possible to burn between 800 to 1,500 calories! Along with a balanced diet, you can easily lose those extra pounds that bother you so much.



Cross Fit benefits

Many people do not give due importance to flexibility because they do not know that it is an essential factor for the body's proper functioning. This is because it improves blood flow in the muscles - fundamental to health-and prevents muscle injuries and pain.

The good news is that crossfit also helps increase flexibility, with stretching and movements done during classes.



Cross Fit benefits

For those who don't like bodybuilding, but want to strengthen their muscles, the crossfit can be an excellent option. This is because he works with several muscle groups, using, in most cases, only a few accessories to perform the movements - unlike the machines and weight training.

As the exercises are of high intensity and performed in short intervals, the body works to its limit. Thus, the arms, legs, and abdomen are the most affected in gaining strength.



Cross Fit benefits

With daily life so troubled, stress has become something common to many people globally. However, the tension caused by stress can lead to serious health problems, even emotional ones, such as depression.

With diversified exercises every day, crossfit can be one of the allies to combat stress. With the practice of physical activity, some "happiness" hormones are released, such as endorphins and serotonin, helping in mental and physical health! 

Finally, it is worth mentioning that crossfit can be practiced by people of all ages - from children to the elderly. However, it is essential to make a physical assessment before starting to practice it. In addition, it is essential to have the assistance of certified professionals, who must consider the individual performance of each student.

Did you understand what crossfit is? Do you do another modality that also offers so many benefits? Then share it with us in the comments!